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A single or set of synchronous machines for converting mechanical power into alternating-current power. For example, individual machines within a set may be defined for scheduling purposes while a single control signal is derived for the set. In this case there would be a GeneratingUnit for each member of the set and an additional GeneratingUnit corresponding to the set.

URI: cim:GeneratingUnit
Type: Class

    class GeneratingUnit
    click GeneratingUnit href "../GeneratingUnit"
      Equipment <|-- GeneratingUnit
        click Equipment href "../Equipment"

      GeneratingUnit <|-- HydroGeneratingUnit
        click HydroGeneratingUnit href "../HydroGeneratingUnit"
      GeneratingUnit <|-- NuclearGeneratingUnit
        click NuclearGeneratingUnit href "../NuclearGeneratingUnit"
      GeneratingUnit <|-- SolarGeneratingUnit
        click SolarGeneratingUnit href "../SolarGeneratingUnit"
      GeneratingUnit <|-- ThermalGeneratingUnit
        click ThermalGeneratingUnit href "../ThermalGeneratingUnit"
      GeneratingUnit <|-- WindGeneratingUnit
        click WindGeneratingUnit href "../WindGeneratingUnit"

      GeneratingUnit : Equipment.aggregate

      GeneratingUnit : IdentifiedObject.description

      GeneratingUnit : Equipment.EquipmentContainer

          GeneratingUnit --> EquipmentContainer : Equipment.EquipmentContainer
          click EquipmentContainer href "../EquipmentContainer"

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.governorSCD

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.initialP

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.longPF

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.maximumAllowableSpinningReserve

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.maxOperatingP

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.minOperatingP

      GeneratingUnit : IdentifiedObject.mRID

      GeneratingUnit :

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.nominalP

      GeneratingUnit : Equipment.normallyInService

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.ratedGrossMaxP

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.ratedGrossMinP

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.ratedNetMaxP

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.shortPF

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.startupCost

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.startupTime

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.totalEfficiency

      GeneratingUnit : GeneratingUnit.variableCost



Name URI Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
governorSCD cim:GeneratingUnit.governorSCD 0..1
Governor Speed Changer Droop direct
initialP cim:GeneratingUnit.initialP 1
Default initial active power which is used to store a powerflow result for t... direct
longPF cim:GeneratingUnit.longPF 0..1
Generating unit long term economic participation factor direct
maximumAllowableSpinningReserve cim:GeneratingUnit.maximumAllowableSpinningReserve 0..1
Maximum allowable spinning reserve direct
maxOperatingP cim:GeneratingUnit.maxOperatingP 1
This is the maximum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for... direct
minOperatingP cim:GeneratingUnit.minOperatingP 1
This is the minimum operating active power limit the dispatcher can enter for... direct
nominalP cim:GeneratingUnit.nominalP 0..1
The nominal power of the generating unit direct
ratedGrossMaxP cim:GeneratingUnit.ratedGrossMaxP 0..1
The unit's gross rated maximum capacity (book value) direct
ratedGrossMinP cim:GeneratingUnit.ratedGrossMinP 0..1
The gross rated minimum generation level which the unit can safely operate at... direct
ratedNetMaxP cim:GeneratingUnit.ratedNetMaxP 0..1
The net rated maximum capacity determined by subtracting the auxiliary power ... direct
shortPF cim:GeneratingUnit.shortPF 0..1
Generating unit short term economic participation factor direct
startupCost cim:GeneratingUnit.startupCost 0..1
The initial startup cost incurred for each start of the GeneratingUnit direct
startupTime cim:GeneratingUnit.startupTime 0..1
Time it takes to get the unit on-line, from the time that the prime mover mec... direct
totalEfficiency cim:GeneratingUnit.totalEfficiency 0..1
The efficiency of the unit in converting the fuel into electrical energy direct
variableCost cim:GeneratingUnit.variableCost 0..1
The variable cost component of production per unit of ActivePower direct
aggregate cim:Equipment.aggregate 0..1
The aggregate flag provides an alternative way of representing an aggregated ... Equipment
normallyInService cim:Equipment.normallyInService 0..1
Specifies the availability of the equipment under normal operating conditions Equipment
EquipmentContainer cim:Equipment.EquipmentContainer 0..1
Container of this equipment Equipment
mRID cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID 1
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority IdentifiedObject
description cim:IdentifiedObject.description 0..1
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object IdentifiedObject
name 1
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... IdentifiedObject


used by used in type used
AsynchronousMachine GeneratingUnit range GeneratingUnit
ControlAreaGeneratingUnit GeneratingUnit range GeneratingUnit
GrossToNetActivePowerCurve GeneratingUnit range GeneratingUnit
RotatingMachine GeneratingUnit range GeneratingUnit
SynchronousMachine GeneratingUnit range GeneratingUnit


    • To define a GeneratingUnit requires defining the initial real power injection, net real power limits, and the status of the unit. The initial injection is defined using the attribute initialP.- The net real power limits can be defined in three ways; 1) with the attributes maxOperatingP and minOperatingP, or 2) with the attribute ratedNetMaxP or 3) with the attributes ratedGrossMinP and ratedGrossMaxP used in conjunction with an associated GrossToNetActivePowerCurve.- The control status of the unit is defined with the attribute genControlSource, but it is not required. The participation factor attributes longPF, normalPF, and shortPF are not required.- The GeneratingUnit class should only be used in cases where the more specific classes, HydroGeneratingUnit and ThermalGeneratingUnit, do not apply.- The attributes governorSCD, maximumAllowableSpinningReserve, nominalP, startupCost, and variableCost are not required.

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self cim:GeneratingUnit
native this:GeneratingUnit