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This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing identification and naming attributes.

  • NOTE: this is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly

URI: cim:IdentifiedObject
Type: Class

    class IdentifiedObject
    click IdentifiedObject href "../IdentifiedObject"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- ACDCTerminal
        click ACDCTerminal href "../ACDCTerminal"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- BaseVoltage
        click BaseVoltage href "../BaseVoltage"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- BasicIntervalSchedule
        click BasicIntervalSchedule href "../BasicIntervalSchedule"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- BusNameMarker
        click BusNameMarker href "../BusNameMarker"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- ConnectivityNode
        click ConnectivityNode href "../ConnectivityNode"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- ControlAreaGeneratingUnit
        click ControlAreaGeneratingUnit href "../ControlAreaGeneratingUnit"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- Curve
        click Curve href "../Curve"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- DCNode
        click DCNode href "../DCNode"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- DayType
        click DayType href "../DayType"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- EnergyArea
        click EnergyArea href "../EnergyArea"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- EnergySchedulingType
        click EnergySchedulingType href "../EnergySchedulingType"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- FossilFuel
        click FossilFuel href "../FossilFuel"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- GeographicalRegion
        click GeographicalRegion href "../GeographicalRegion"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- LoadGroup
        click LoadGroup href "../LoadGroup"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- LoadResponseCharacteristic
        click LoadResponseCharacteristic href "../LoadResponseCharacteristic"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- OperationalLimit
        click OperationalLimit href "../OperationalLimit"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- OperationalLimitSet
        click OperationalLimitSet href "../OperationalLimitSet"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- OperationalLimitType
        click OperationalLimitType href "../OperationalLimitType"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- PhaseTapChangerTable
        click PhaseTapChangerTable href "../PhaseTapChangerTable"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- PowerSystemResource
        click PowerSystemResource href "../PowerSystemResource"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- RatioTapChangerTable
        click RatioTapChangerTable href "../RatioTapChangerTable"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- ReportingGroup
        click ReportingGroup href "../ReportingGroup"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- Season
        click Season href "../Season"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- SubGeographicalRegion
        click SubGeographicalRegion href "../SubGeographicalRegion"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- TieFlow
        click TieFlow href "../TieFlow"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- TransformerEnd
        click TransformerEnd href "../TransformerEnd"

      IdentifiedObject : IdentifiedObject.description

      IdentifiedObject : IdentifiedObject.mRID

      IdentifiedObject :



Name URI Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
mRID cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID 1
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority direct
description cim:IdentifiedObject.description 0..1
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object direct
name 1
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... direct


  • The attribute IdentifiedObject.mRID is exchanged as rdf:ID.

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self cim:IdentifiedObject
native this:IdentifiedObject