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A Measurement represents any measured, calculated or non-measured non-calculated quantity. Any piece of equipment may contain Measurements, e.g. a substation may have temperature measurements and door open indications, a transformer may have oil temperature and tank pressure measurements, a bay may contain a number of power flow measurements and a Breaker may contain a switch status measurement.The PSR - Measurement association is intended to capture this use of Measurement and is included in the naming hierarchy based on EquipmentContainer. The naming hierarchy typically has Measurements as leaves, e.g. Substation-VoltageLevel-Bay-Switch-Measurement.Some Measurements represent quantities related to a particular sensor location in the network, e.g. a voltage transformer (VT) or potential transformer (PT) at a busbar or a current transformer (CT) at the bar between a breaker and an isolator. The sensing position is not captured in the PSR - Measurement association. Instead it is captured by the Measurement - Terminal association that is used to define the sensing location in the network topology. The location is defined by the connection of the Terminal to ConductingEquipment.If both a Terminal and PSR are associated, and the PSR is of type ConductingEquipment, the associated Terminal should belong to that ConductingEquipment instance.When the sensor location is needed both Measurement-PSR and Measurement-Terminal are used. The Measurement-Terminal association is never used alone.

  • NOTE: this is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly

URI: cim:Measurement
Type: Class

    class Measurement
    click Measurement href "../Measurement"
      IdentifiedObject <|-- Measurement
        click IdentifiedObject href "../IdentifiedObject"

      Measurement <|-- Accumulator
        click Accumulator href "../Accumulator"
      Measurement <|-- Analog
        click Analog href "../Analog"
      Measurement <|-- Discrete
        click Discrete href "../Discrete"
      Measurement <|-- StringMeasurement
        click StringMeasurement href "../StringMeasurement"

      Measurement : IdentifiedObject.description

      Measurement : Measurement.measurementType

      Measurement : IdentifiedObject.mRID

      Measurement :

      Measurement : Measurement.PowerSystemResource

          Measurement --> PowerSystemResource : Measurement.PowerSystemResource
          click PowerSystemResource href "../PowerSystemResource"

      Measurement : Measurement.Terminal

          Measurement --> ACDCTerminal : Measurement.Terminal
          click ACDCTerminal href "../ACDCTerminal"



Name URI Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
measurementType cim:Measurement.measurementType 1
Specifies the type of measurement direct
PowerSystemResource cim:Measurement.PowerSystemResource 1
The power system resource that contains the measurement direct
Terminal cim:Measurement.Terminal 0..1
One or more measurements may be associated with a terminal in the network direct
mRID cim:IdentifiedObject.mRID 1
Master resource identifier issued by a model authority IdentifiedObject
description cim:IdentifiedObject.description 0..1
The description is a free human readable text describing or naming the object IdentifiedObject
name 1
The name is any free human readable and possibly non unique text naming the o... IdentifiedObject

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self cim:Measurement
native this:Measurement