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ShortCircuit Vocabulary

Name: ShortCircuit


Class Description
IdentifiedObject This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing...
        ACDCTerminal An electrical connection point (AC or DC) to a piece of conducting equipment
                Terminal An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment
        MutualCoupling This class represents the zero sequence line mutual coupling
        PowerSystemResource A power system resource (PSR) can be an item of equipment such as a switch, a...
                Equipment The parts of a power system that are physical devices, electronic or mechanic...
                        ConductingEquipment The parts of the AC power system that are designed to carry current or that a...
                                Conductor Combination of conducting material with consistent electrical characteristics...
                                        ACLineSegment A wire or combination of wires, with consistent electrical characteristics, b...
                                Connector A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to...
                                        BusbarSection A conductor, or group of conductors, with negligible impedance, that serve to...
                                EarthFaultCompensator A conducting equipment used to represent a connection to ground which is typi...
                                        GroundingImpedance A fixed impedance device used for grounding
                                        PetersenCoil A variable impedance device normally used to offset line charging during sing...
                                EnergyConnection A connection of energy generation or consumption on the power system model
                                        EnergySource A generic equivalent for an energy supplier on a transmission or distribution...
                                        RegulatingCondEq A type of conducting equipment that can regulate a quantity (i
                                                ExternalNetworkInjection This class represents the external network and it is used for IEC 60909 calcu...
                                                RotatingMachine A rotating machine which may be used as a generator or motor
                                                        AsynchronousMachine A rotating machine whose shaft rotates asynchronously with the electrical fie...
                                                        SynchronousMachine An electromechanical device that operates with shaft rotating synchronously w...
                                                ShuntCompensator A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reacto...
                                                        LinearShuntCompensator A linear shunt compensator has banks or sections with equal admittance values
                                EquivalentEquipment The class represents equivalent objects that are the result of a network redu...
                                        EquivalentBranch The class represents equivalent branches
                                        EquivalentInjection This class represents equivalent injections (generation or load)
                                PowerTransformer An electrical device consisting of two or more coupled windings, with or wit...
                                SeriesCompensator A Series Compensator is a series capacitor or reactor or an AC transmission l...
        TransformerEnd A conducting connection point of a power transformer
                PowerTransformerEnd A PowerTransformerEnd is associated with each Terminal of a PowerTransformer
NonlinearShuntCompensatorPoint A non linear shunt compensator bank or section admittance value


Enumeration Description
PetersenCoilModeKind The mode of operation for a Petersen coil
ShortCircuitRotorKind Type of rotor, used by short circuit applications
UnitMultiplier The unit multipliers defined for the CIM
UnitSymbol The derived units defined for usage in the CIM