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Profile Vocabulary

Name: Profile


Class Description
ConductingEquipment The parts of the AC power system that are designed to carry current or that a...
        ACDCConverter A unit with valves for three phases, together with unit control equipment, es...
                CsConverter DC side of the current source converter (CSC)
                VsConverter DC side of the voltage source converter (VSC)
        Switch A generic device designed to close, or open, or both, one or more electric ci...
IdentifiedObject This is a root class to provide common identification for all classes needing...
        ACDCTerminal An electrical connection point (AC or DC) to a piece of conducting equipment
                Terminal An AC electrical connection point to a piece of conducting equipment
        DCTopologicalIsland An electrically connected subset of the network
        DCTopologicalNode DC bus
        TopologicalIsland An electrically connected subset of the network
ShuntCompensator A shunt capacitor or reactor or switchable bank of shunt capacitors or reacto...
SvInjection The SvInjection reports the calculated bus injection minus the sum of the ter...
SvPowerFlow State variable for power flow
SvShuntCompensatorSections State variable for the number of sections in service for a shunt compensator
SvStatus State variable for status
SvSwitch State variable for switch
SvTapStep State variable for transformer tap step
SvVoltage State variable for voltage
TapChanger Mechanism for changing transformer winding tap positions
TopologicalNode For a detailed substation model a topological node is a set of connectivity n...


Enumeration Description
UnitMultiplier The unit multipliers defined for the CIM
UnitSymbol The derived units defined for usage in the CIM