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An unordered enumeration of phase identifiers. Allows designation of phases for both transmission and distribution equipment, circuits and loads. The enumeration, by itself, does not describe how the phases are connected together or connected to ground. Ground is not explicitly denoted as a phase.Residential and small commercial loads are often served from single-phase, or split-phase, secondary circuits. For the example of s12N, phases 1 and 2 refer to hot wires that are 180 degrees out of phase, while N refers to the neutral wire. Through single-phase transformer connections, these secondary circuits may be served from one or two of the primary phases A, B, and C. For three-phase loads, use the A, B, C phase codes instead of s12N.The integer values are from IEC 61968-9 to support revenue metering applications.

URI: PhaseCode
Type: Enumeration

Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
A cim:PhaseCode.A Phase A
AB cim:PhaseCode.AB Phases A and B
ABC cim:PhaseCode.ABC Phases A, B, and C
ABCN cim:PhaseCode.ABCN Phases A, B, C, and N
ABN cim:PhaseCode.ABN Phases A, B, and neutral
AC cim:PhaseCode.AC Phases A and C
ACN cim:PhaseCode.ACN Phases A, C and neutral
AN cim:PhaseCode.AN Phases A and neutral
B cim:PhaseCode.B Phase B
BC cim:PhaseCode.BC Phases B and C
BCN cim:PhaseCode.BCN Phases B, C, and neutral
BN cim:PhaseCode.BN Phases B and neutral
C cim:PhaseCode.C Phase C
CN cim:PhaseCode.CN Phases C and neutral
N cim:PhaseCode.N Neutral phase
X cim:PhaseCode.X Unknown non-neutral phase
XN cim:PhaseCode.XN Unknown non-neutral phase plus neutral
XY cim:PhaseCode.XY Two unknown non-neutral phases
XYN cim:PhaseCode.XYN Two unknown non-neutral phases plus neutral
none cim:PhaseCode.none No phases specified
s1 cim:PhaseCode.s1 Secondary phase 1
s12 cim:PhaseCode.s12 Secondary phase 1 and 2
s12N cim:PhaseCode.s12N Secondary phases 1, 2, and neutral
s1N cim:PhaseCode.s1N Secondary phase 1 and neutral
s2 cim:PhaseCode.s2 Secondary phase 2
s2N cim:PhaseCode.s2N Secondary phase 2 and neutral

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema: