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The kind of regulation model. For example regulating voltage, reactive power, active power, etc.

URI: RegulatingControlModeKind
Type: Enumeration

Permissible Values

Value Meaning Description
activePower cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.activePower Active power is specified
admittance cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.admittance Admittance is specified
currentFlow cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.currentFlow Current flow is specified
powerFactor cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.powerFactor Power factor is specified
reactivePower cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.reactivePower Reactive power is specified
temperature cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.temperature Control switches on/off based on the local temperature (i
timeScheduled cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.timeScheduled Control switches on/off by time of day
voltage cim:RegulatingControlModeKind.voltage Voltage is specified

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema: